Although the holiday season is often thought of as the most wonderful time of the year, it can bring with it added stress from shopping, cooking, decorating, and hosting parties to dealing with extended family members. It’s important to make wellness a priority and give yourself the gift of unwinding physically and mentally. Learn how to de-stress at holiday time.
“There seems to be a lot of emphasis on either watching your weight for the holidays or declaring unrealistic goals in the form of New Year’s resolutions”. Says Kathryn Leary co-founder of OneFirelight, a new inspirational online wellness platform that promotes unity, strength and self-care through a diverse catalog of unique streaming classes. “But the focus shouldn’t be about meeting the expectations of others. This should be about celebrating yourself for a year-long effort and incorporating wellness and self-care into your lifestyle.”

Here are some basic tips from OneFirelight. This will help to ease the stress of the holidays and maintain calm and balance throughout the New Year:
The importance of “Me” time
Start with customizing an individualized wellness plan. Set goals for improving your physical health and fitness, enhancing mental clarity, and changing thinking patterns and negative emotions. Be sure to incorporate self-care and “me” time by simply setting aside time for relaxing instead of always doing things for others or working.
Incorporate physical activity and good nutrition into the plan. Create an exercise routine and start small. Whether it is walking 20 minutes a day or working out at home with a yoga class. Try to eat healthier by incorporating clean eating recipes into daily meals and choosing fresh, nutrient-rich food products.
Pay attention to emotional and mental health by setting aside 15 minutes a day to meditate to calm your mind and reduce stress. Write down what truly makes you happy and what brings joy. Start your day with noting three things to be grateful for. Spend time in nature and listen to music. This lifts the spirit and helps to change the energy within your body. If you can’t get outside, at least gaze out a window.
Selenite, the powerful crystal
“I personally like incorporating earth stones and crystals into my wellness routine,” adds Kathryn Leary. “These stones are a gift from the Earth. Each with its own special vibration to help restore harmony, peace and positive energy. For example, Selenite is said to be a powerful crystal that promotes peace and calm, mental clarity, and well-being, while Pyrite helps bring about the manifestation of goals.”

The OneFirelight wellness platform was developed to bring a mind, body, spirit modality to the fitness space by combining the restorative effects of yoga practice, strength building of cardio/kickboxing, healing of sound meditation, and joyfulness of dance. OneFirelight results in calming the mind, strengthening the body, and uplifting the spirit. The unique platform offerings are carefully curated to promote expressions of love, peace and unity with classes that are exquisitely filmed in nature and choreographed to the licensed soul-nurturing music and unifying expressions of global icon Bob
Marley, grandson Skip Marley, as well as other conscious musicians from the Blue Mountain Music Catalog. The music produces a spiritual enrichment and the beautiful settings of water and greenery induce a meditative state of mind. Try OneFirelight with a 3-day free guest pass at